Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Food of the Gods

(Greek Mythology)
Lord of the Sky, Gods, and Thunder,
also Rain-god, Cloud-gatherer

Goddess of the Foodporn, Chocolate, and Cake Sculpture,
also Accidental Cleavage-goddess, Blogfriend-gatherer

Can make it Rain


Can make a Shower Cake

Toasted Almond Butter Cake
filled with Black Cherry French Buttercream
& frosted with Dark Belgian Chocolate Cream.

42 Responses to “Food of the Gods”

Amazing, unbelievable.

How does it go with the customer that had read your blog??? Is she back???

Dino said...

oh yummy. Black cherry, chocolate, butter cream what more could one want

flatlander said...

And it is written in the Book of Oldness:

She came from the Greath Southern Neighbour, gathering boyfriends from all the land and making many an ally with her cakes of sumptuous splendor, building a mighty emprie of foodporn with her provocative postings and chimerical ryhming skills. And her wares became famous and were consumed throughout the Known Realms, supplanting the fast-food barons and sending the McCaine clan into the Outer Wastes, there to consume their inferior confections in dust and ashes...

...I think they may have been prophesying about you!

jin said...

Thanks! :-), she's not.
She won't be.
She even forfeited her down-payment.

It matters not to me anymore.
She was not meant to have one of my creations.
I have complete faith that another customer will require something special around that same time which will utilize my time & talent.

Hey! You are in mybloglog!!! I'll come & leave a comment for you at yours as soon as I get a chance! :-)

jin said...


When I think of black cherries I think of Black Forest Gateau. YUMMM!!!

I LOVE that cake and I don't even like chocolate very much. It's so nicely decorated. I worship at your altar!

jin said...


*jin giggles like a school-girl*
:-D :-D :-D

Ok mr. got me.
The jin is speechless & has no retort witty enough to come close to matching the creative intelligence of your Book of Oldness passage recall skills.

Do tell...what does the prophesy say is her fate???

jin said...


Heehee!!! Thanks!!! :-)

I too love how the chocolate accentuates the pink decorations.

These people have been getting cakes from me for over 10 years...wonderful customers who LOVE colour! I really enjoy working with them. People like these make up for those other ones!
lol. :-)

Anonymous said...

I think the Book of Oldness says something about spending the rest of your life nekkid and worshiping Olmec gods.

jin said...


*jin contemplates that reality*



p.s. I knew that was you rich even without sitemeter!!! HA!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the whole Olmec God thing is a dead give away!

Ace said...

Yummy, but wait...

They've been your customers for 10 years and they're just now getting engaged? Or is that... OLD CAKE??!!


jimbizzle said...

Those cakes look so incredibly good that I want to cover my bed with them, roll around on top of them, and try to absorb the tasty goodness through osmosis. Just eating them like normal doesn't seam like I could consume them fast enough.

jin said...


I won't reply to you yet as I know it's the weekend there & all you Aussies do is drink bee-ah & party.

...and I wasn't invited *sniff*

jin said...



Oh munkee
Oh munkee
methinks thou hast been struck down by the
LOVE virus

I never said it was a wedding shower cake.
In fact, if you notice the little pink booties all over that may indicate you are in fact looking at a baby shower cake.

Hmmm....why would you be thinking about that???


heeeeheheheeeeeeee.... I told ya veggies do it better!

jin said...


WELCOME to my blog! :-)

"Those cakes look so incredibly good that I want to cover my bed with them, roll around on top of them"

You are in LUCK!
That CAN be done!!

It gets messy, though.

*jin wonders if she said that out loud accidentally*

I mean, I've heard that gets messy...yeah, that's it.

flatlander said...

The Book of Oldness tells only of things that have allready happened, be they past, present or future. The one mentioned in the quoted passage is said to have baked many a cake, on several continents, before breeding a new variety of flying squirrel that can also live underwater.

AngelConradie said...

gorgeous! i love those cakes! you are indeed a pastry genius!

Cherry! said...

Looks fab! I like the petals.

Great roses. How are you doing??

Anonymous said...

Does that say Dipti? She must be of Asian descent?
Cleavage and cake. That definitely works for me ;-)

Ace said...



Lil Mizfit said...

everytime i visit ur blog, i see pages n pages of ur cakes on display. cakes, that make me feel hungry.

did u know i never really liked cakes or chocolates(or chocolate flavored anything) before i read ur blog?

do u know that i've gained 59 pounds after i ran into ur blog few months ago?

I HATE U!!! *sob*

PS:make me happy again, send me a cake! ;)

Dino said...

mhh I make a really good black forest cake but you'd have to take a break from not drinking because the whip cream has Kirschwasser in it.

Ohh I am so excited about my box I can't wait to get it :)

jin said...


I <3 squirrels.
So, that works for me!

There used to be a 'lil squirrel in my yard that I called "Cashew". All the boy squirrels were constantly after her during mating season so I would sit in the yard with a handful of cashews & she would sit next to me eating them...she knew she was safe from half a dozen randy males because they were too scared to come near me!

jin said...


Awww...thanks!!! :-D

jin said...


That's love the pink! :-)

jin said...


Thanks! :-)

Me...I'm doing ok. I'm always O.K.

Could be better but hopefully things will start looking up.
*fingers crossed*

jin said...


That's ok.
It was tres cute.

jin said...


59 pounds??!!??
THAT'S why you don't post pictures of yourself anymore!!!

Well...flatlander has told me that I am fated to bake cakes on several continents in my lifetime...maybe one will be for you!

jin said...


MMmmm...I could handle the Kirshwasser if it was only a few Tablespoons in the whole cake. More than that & I'd be passed out in the cake!

Sweetbox is on it's way to you as I type this! Will email you the tracking # asap.
I can't wait for you to open your 'anniversary dessert'!!!

jin said...


Ah-ha! Someone is paying attention. 'Dipti' is correct sir! They are an Indian family. Nice people that love bright colours!

Cleavage & Cake coming SOON to a blog near you!

Anonymous said...

Oh please! If you have to be 'invited' you obviously don't know us Aussies. It's a free world, just turn up to the Pub and sit down with us.

jin said...


You only said that cos I'm on a different continent!

Anonymous said...

Nah, I only said that because you don't know which Pub we're going to ;)

Anonymous said...

I always pay attention to the small details ;)
Yes, you are on a different continent from Rich and some might argue a different planet sometimes too! :D

Ok Jin I have some customer reviews for you and they are unedited about the Chocolate OBLIVION. I ate about 1/2 of it and decided that I had to share with friends. Here are the reviews.

#1. You already have mine. Chococoma.

#2.(Male Reaction) What is that?! For christ sakes where do I get some at?

#3. Wow that is rich..and it just melts...*anouther bite*...Oh man, could you uhh...yea that is really good...Hey where did you get this?

#4. Scott you know I can't eat that, ok one bite. *Shutter*...*moan*....walks away with the rest of the slice.


#6. What is this...Mouse?...Cheesecake?...oh wow this is just really really good.

Only one person had a negitive review and for the sack being fair I will post it.

#7. If you ever bring that in my office again I will have you fired. *grabbing the slice I head out the door*. Leave it you dumb ass!!!

Anonymous said...

'Dimension' Gareth, I'm in a different dimension to Jin.

It's all a moot point anyway, Jin doesn't drink. I keep buying her beers and then I end up having to drink them because she has a no alcohol rule. It's why we're such great friends!

jin said...


I'm a good cyberstalker.
I can find out which pub.
I can even tell you
how many tattoos you have,
where they are &
what they are of.
ok...well, maybe not. just pretend that I can & be afraid of my immense powers.


Did I ever tell you why I don't drink?

It's so I can get all you guys drunk & take advantage of you.


jin said...


Just call me:
jin the

make that:
jin the


jin said...


YAY!!!! :-D

Thanks for sharing; one of these days I'll add a review thingy in the side bar...these will be added!

They're all GREAT! :-D
I love!
I think my next fave would be #2 or #5.
I could totally picture #4!!!
I think I can handle a negative review like #7! *GRIN*

Lil Mizfit said...

MAYBE one will be for me? MAYBE i could actually hate u! *sob*
